Babysitting Reminders: Checklist for Parents & Sitters

The following list of information should always be left with a babysitter: Parents phone numbers Neighbors phone numbers Pediatrician Fire/Rescue Police Poison Help Line (1-800-222-1222) Home phone Home address Parents…

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6 Quick High Chair Safety Tips

​When using a high chair, remember to: Make sure the high chair cannot be tipped over easily. If the chair folds, be sure it is locked each time you set…

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5 Bathroom Safety Tips for Infants & Young Children

​The simplest way to avoid bathroom injuries is to make this room inaccessible unless your child is accompanied by an adult. This may mean installing a latch on the door…

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Stuttering in Toddlers & Preschoolers: What’s Typical, What’s Not?

As toddlers and preschoolers become increasingly verbal, they may begin to stumble over their words—raising concerns about stuttering. As a parent, how do you know when disfluencies are a normal…

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Language Delays in Toddlers: Information for Parents

Your baby is able to communicate with you long before they speak a single word! A baby’s cry, smile, and responses to you help you to understand their needs. Learn…

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How to Raise Concerns about a Child’s Speech and Language Development: Do’s and Don’ts

​​​​​Grandparents, friends, or neighbors who are worried about a child’s speech and/or language development may hesitate to bring it up for fear of upsetting or offending a parent. While raising…

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How to Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety varies WIDELY between children. Some babies become hysterical when mom is out of sight for a very short time, while other children seem to demonstrate ongoing anxiety at…

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10 Tips to Prevent Aggressive Toddler Behavior

There are many times when your child’s behavior warms and embraces your heart. But, there are other times when it probably drives you a little crazy. As a toddler or…

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Tips for Grandparents of a Newborn

As a grandparent, your role can be especially important in the lives of not only your newborn grandchild and his parents, but also the other children in the family. Give…

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New Dads & Partners: How Your Involvement Matters

During pregnancy, a lot of attention is naturally paid to the birth parent. As a new dad or partner, it is easy to feel your involvement doesn’t matter. Nothing, however,…

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