Well, since tie-dye is all the rage/officially the sponsor of quarantine these days, and I have yet to succumb to the allure of buying some tye-dye sweats, I figured I’d gove some nail art a shot. The good news is it turned out to be some of the quickest and easiest nails I’ve done to date. And for lack of a better adjective at the moment, rad.
The funny thing is I learned how to do these completely by accident. I was attempting a retro striped nail, got fed up, then just messed it up with a ballpoint pen…et voila a tie-dye nail.
So before I turn this into a super long post when all you really want to read is some instructions, know that’s pretty much all you do: paint some stripes, then mess it up with a ballpoint pen, and when you apply the topcoat it flattens it out and makes it look ohhh soooo nice.
When I say “mess it up” you drag the pen through the polish to create zig-zags in the polish.
Some nails are horizontally messed up stripes, some are vertical, some can be curved. It just depends on what look you want.
Just know it’s fun and it’s easy. I say if you’re looking for something to do, give ’em a shot.
I even did a video for proof/instructions/a quick under one-minute tutorial. (So hopefully this will all make sense now) Just swipe to the second image in this post.
Yay tie-dye. Now…off to look for some sweats. These are looking miiighty tasty.