A copper-breasted, brightly colored forest dweller who finds it very difficult to sit still!
A small, colorful, restless forest dweller who has a hard time sitting still! Meet the Style-breasted Tanager The copper-breasted tanager ( Tangara desmaresti ) is a mostly green to yellow…
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Yellow-rumped Warbler: A Colorful Visitor to North America
The yellow-rumped warbler, scientifically known as Dendroica coronata, is a species of small songbird belonging to the family Parulidae. With its vibrant plumage and wide distribution across North America, this…
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A tiny bird infused with brilliant shades of red and pink rose, blessed with bewitching beauty
In the mystical realm of avian wonders, the rose-headed warbler reigns supreme. With delicate and fascinating shades of pink, red and rose, this little creature captivates all who see its…
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Introducing the Red Fan Parrot – a living, feathered rainbow!
Birds exhibit an incredible variety of shapes, sizes and colors, and there is one bird in particular that stands out noticeably in the realm of color. There’s no denying that…
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An Introduction to Bird Banding
If you follow bird conservation, you may have heard of mist netting and bird banding. These activities are carried out by avian researchers around the world to collect morphological measurements,…
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Nēnē: The Recovery of the Hawaiian Goose
My feet crunched on the lava path as I scanned the trail ahead. Just minutes ago, someone had asked me in the parking lot if there was anything to see…
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A Brighter Future for Attwater’s Prairie Chickens
The truck bounces along the ranch road in the pre-dawn light when a football-sized bird rockets past the headlights. “Prairie chicken,” says Kirk Feuerbacher, as he continues down the road….
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Embark on Avian Adventures: Explore 8 Spectacular U.S. National Parks for Bird Enthusiasts
Hawai’i’s endemic birds have been decimated since European colonization due to habitat loss and especially the introduction of mammalian predators like cats, pigs and mongooses. Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park remains…
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Discover the Raptors with a Taste for Avocados (and Other Fruits) – Unveiling the Unexpected Culinary Preferences of Raptors!
The kite circles low over the avocado orchard. Cruising above the trees, it searches for its next meal. Then it drops to the ground, talons clutching a small, dark object….
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Move Over Bald Eagle: Meet 12 of the World’s Coolest National Birds
United States © Roxana Walters/TNC Photo Contest 2019 The bald eagle was included as part of the seal of the United States of America in 1776, although Congress didn’t official…
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